The Young Penfold Players Section
Young Penfold are the future of our group, ranging from 8 to 18 years of age, and every summer we hold workshops that develop their skills for the stage, allowing them to grow in confidence. These workshops can be anything from dance and movement to voice projection and auditioning. They will set to work on rehearsing their summer ‘Showcase’ that is performed to family and friends to raise money for our charity of the year.
Young Penfold apply their skills and confidence in our Annual Pantomime where they could land the lead role in our main production performing 5 shows across 4 nights, a great opportunity to show our audiences what they can do.
With dedicated YP Co-Ordinators to guide and actively encourage them we take real pride in our Young Penfold. If you would like to enquire about more information or to show your interest in joining then please use the form below, we look forward to hearing from you!